Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Topher the functioning crack addict....

I don't know why but I have been in a very manic mood for the past couple of days. Yesterday at work I started like 15 different projects. Work projects, personal projects, projects I have no business working on. Projects that should have been completed.. . yada yada yada. and on top of this one of my Cust service reps called out so I am taking calls, and keeping up with about 15 different email conversations. WooHoo!!! After work it continued with multiple overlapping incoming and outgoing phone calls on the cell phone, while texting. I told Aaron I felt like a functioning crack addict. He gave his usual boisterous laugh and said that has to be your next blog title. I said: "You're right". So here we are... Day two of Topher's manic mania and there seems to be no end in sight at the moment. I'm dreading the crash and burn but for now I guess I'll just enjoy the ride and try not to spend too much money. :-D More to come...


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